Friday, March 20, 2009

Group Four


Blogger S Lizotte said...

Nick's Career

Chapter 1: Nick is a bondsman (3) " I decided to go East and learn the bond business."(3)

Represents old wealth he lives off his parents for the first year

Gatsby's Career

Dan Cody/yacht

March 23, 2009 at 5:11 AM  
Blogger Mike DeFazio said...

Journal Entry for Chapter One:
Nick Carroway is introduced as the main character and the narrator as well. The chapter starts off with Nick talking about his father, and his advice he has given him towards Nick's analytical personality. Nick explains his background, and where he comes from, then goes onto when he moved to Long Island New York, which is broken into West Egg and East Egg. His house is located next to Gatsyby's mansion, who he wonders a lot about. His house is on West Egg, which is inhabited by many "new rich" people. Nick drives to East Egg to meet up with his cousin, Daisy and he husband Tom Buchanon. Tom and Nick had went to school together at Yale, and then Jordan Baker is a friend of the Buchanon's who is intorduced. Tom and Daisy try and get Nick to go on a date with Jordan after she leaves.

The story is being told in the first person by Nick. In the begginning of the story, the connection to the New and Old rich were made with East and West Egg. Many of the questions that were asked before reading the novel, were either answered or talked about. Just from readint the first chapter some of the common themes are wealth, location and people, and Fitzgerald also includes a lot of symbolism involving colors. The colors had a great affect on the reading, and much of the colors noticed were a way of representing money, wealth, and cleanliness. These colors were gold, green, and white.

March 23, 2009 at 5:18 AM  
Blogger Eric Parsons said...

Chapter 3 Dialectical Journal


In the beginning of this chapter, Nick describes the crazy parties that GAtsby has at his house all the time.It is easy to see that Gatsby is very wealthy. By Nick's description, readers can see Gatsby's lifestyle and the way he spends his money. Nick is invited to one of Gatsby's parties. He goes and feels out of place because he doesn't know anyone there. Then he sees Jordan Baker there and they go around together at the party. They talk to some of the guests who tell things that they had heard about Gatsby. One says that he is a German spy and another says that he killed a man. Nick joins Jordan's party for supper. After supper, Jordan and Nick go looking for Gatsby. They find a man in the library who seems crazy. The man says that he has been drunk for a week and he thought it would sober him up to sit in a library. He is amazed that the books are real and uncut. Jordan and Nick leave him and go back to the party. Nick meets Gatsby as he is sitting at a table watching the orchestra. They served in the army at the same time, but in different units. It seems like they become friends right away. Then Gatsby asks to speak with Jordan for a moment.Nick joins another party and goes inside. All the couples there seem to be fighting. The guests start leaving. Nick says goodbye to Jordan and Gatsby and leaves the party. Outside Gatsby's house, a drunk driver has crashed into a ditch and makes a big scene. At the end of the chapter, Nick explains to readers that all the parties and events he had been to so far in the story were very few and that most of the time he is working. He works at Probity Trust in New York. He has a girlfriend for a short time. He likes working in New York. Sometimes he feels lonely though. Nick starts spending time with Jordan and he has feelings for her. He reakizes that she is a naturally dishnonest peron, but he doesn't care. Does she like him back?


This was a long chapter and readers learn alot. Nick and Gatsby finally meet and it seems like they will be good friends. Nick and Jordna's relationship developes and there are romantic feelings between them.

March 23, 2009 at 5:21 AM  
Blogger Eric Parsons said...

Chapter 4 Dialectical Journal


In the beginning of the chapter, Nick takes the time to write down the names of everyone who went to one of Gatsby's parties that summer. All of them are rich and well known. Someone tells Nic that Gatsby is a bootlegger, One day Gatsby comes to get Nick and take him out to lunch. He is driving a fancy car and wearing a nice suit. Nick describes him as being restless. Nick's impression of Gatsby has feded over the summer, because Gatsby never jas much to say whenever they try to have a conversation. On the way to lunch that day, Gatsby tells Nick about his past. He says that he is the son of some wealthy people in the Middle West who are dead now. He inherited their money. Gatsby supposedly went to Oxford, because it is a famliy tradition. Nick doesn't belive Gatsby's story. Gatsby says that he lived ib=n Europe for a while doing things for himself.Then he joined the army and became a war hero. He says that he tried hard to die, because of something very sa that happened to him long ago. Then he shows Nick a medal from the war and a picture of himself at Oxford/

March 23, 2009 at 6:18 AM  
Blogger Mike DeFazio said...

Chapter 2

The chapter starts off by talking about the train that runs through an area where all kinds of things like waste and ashes are dumped. This is the Valley of Ashes between the two Egg's and New York city. Nick talks about one experience involving him and Tom when they rode the train through the valley and stopped at Mr. Wilson's house, who was the husband of the girl that Tom was having an affair with. Tom's "lover" was Myrtle Wilson, and though they are attracted to each other, they seem like 2 very different people. Both of them go to New York, to an apartment that Tom has for a sole purpose of affairs. After they all go to the apartment, they go to a party with Catherine McKee. Who often parties with Tom, and after the party, the chapter ends with Myrtle agitating an argument, eventually causing Tom breaks her nose after giving her a puppy as a present.


This chapter starts off in a very weird way, talking about the Valley of Ashes, and makes me believe represents the long road success, in New York. It is a bad place, but once it is overcome, you are rewarded with New York.
We also learn a lot about Tom in this chapter and how he looks at life. He enjoys having affairs, and apparently seems like it is an often occurrence because he has his own apartment just for that reason. It seems as if he likes Myrtle more then Daisy, but knows he can not do anything about it because they are both married. He cares so much about her that he even bought her a brown puppy, but then went and broke her nose in an argument. He seems like a very selfish guy who does not appreciate what he has.

March 24, 2009 at 5:52 PM  

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